Fingers Crossed

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We put an offer in on a condo this weekend. It’s amazing and exciting and also makes us want to throw up. I always thought that when I went to buy a house, it would be all “Here’s my money” and the owners would go “omg, thank you Nina!” and that would be that. Instead, there’s competition, offer deadlines and waiting on pins and needles to see if this dream home, a place where we can see ourselves putting down long term roots, is really going to become ours.

Ryan and I got home after our millionth walk this evening (sitting still is impossible!) and I had received this picture in a text from my Dad. He and my step-mom literally have their fingers crossed for good news for us and I received similar sentiments from my mom and best friends today. It’s pretty awesome to know that condo or no condo, we have people in our corner rooting for us. It’s actually better than getting the house- we have our home team and that makes us the luckiest people in the world.

However, if we DO get the condo, we can invite everyone to uncross their fingers and come over to our bamf new rooftop deck for celebratory bubbly. Just sayin’.


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