Grahamwich Lovewich

adminChicago Dining, foodie, gourmet sandwiches, Graham Elliot, Grahambulance, Grahamwich, laughter, River North, Ryan, sammies, true love, truffled popcorn, Uncategorized%s Comments

I’ve said it once (the first time I went there), I said it again (the second time) and I’ll say it again right now: Grahamwich is a marriage of flavors in my mouth.

I’ve always loved a good sammy but chef Graham Elliot’s gourmet sandwich venture takes it to another level.  This cash-only River North shoppe offers a chalkboard menu with 8 wildly creative sandwiches, sides (pickled seasonal veggies!  truffled popcorn!) and a long, communal table.  The communal table inevitably leads to perfect strangers gushing over their food together.  Trust me- been there, done that.

Ryan and I may have laughed all the way down Ontario about my “marriage of flavors” comment but every Grahamwich stop I make absolutely justifies that statement.  The Turkey Confit with candied yams, stewed cranberries and sage mayo was unbelievable and I thought I would love it forever but then I had the Smoked Whitefish.  Perfection.  And don’t even get me started on the Truffle Popcorn.  Or the Salted Caramel Apple Pie Frozen Yogurt.  Or the homemade soda…  Or…

You get the point.

Oh and word on the street (literally) is that a Grahambulance (!!!) is in the works: a delivery VW van bringing sammie joy to the people.

So much love for Grahamwich.

(photos via metromix)

Happy Birthday: Ryan Edition

adminbirthdays, Chicago, foodie, Happy Birthday, More cupcakes, Ryan, Uncategorized, Wow Bao%s Comments

Dear Ryan,

It’s your birthday and as you enter your 27th year, I wanted to let you know how much fun I had with you as a 26 year old and how great I think 27 is going to be.

In the last year, we’ve been on 3 planes together, road tripped to 3 weddings and explored the heck out of this city we live in.  We moved in together (!) which means we combined all of our “stuff”, painted walls and moved furniture around 50 times until our new apartment felt like home.  Remember coming home from vacation in Florida and how we realized that this place is home simply because we’re in it together?  Looks like we didn’t need to care about where the furniture was so much.

You, birthday boy, may be the funniest person I have ever met.  Thanks for making me laugh until my sides hurt.  Despite the fact that the Chicago Marathon filled up before you could register, you did every single long training run with me.  Thanks for being my biggest cheerleader- I couldn’t have done those 26.2 miles without you!

You love Wow Bao, More Cupcakes, and Luna Bell, all things that I adore.  You also love numbers, finance and leaving wet towels on the bed, all things I do not adore.  But I couldn’t have a better person in my life right now and I am super grateful to have you as my partner-in-Chicago, someone who is as big of a foodie as I am and will wander around this city with me for hours, just enjoying being somewhere we love with someone we love.

So, happy birthday, baby!  I hope you enjoyed your Bacon-Maple Cupcake.

