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Friday night.

A good workout, manicotti, Christmas card writing, The Santa Clause and Luna Bell, settled in for a long winter’s nap.

I love the holidays.

Slowing Down to Speed Up

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This morning, I “needed” to get Christmas cards printed, finish shopping, wrap gifts, run this errand, go here, go there.

Then I woke up feeling awful- sore throat, itchy eyes, runny nose, the works.

What I actually need? To lay on this couch and watch “Miracle on 34th Street” with a cup of OJ and the Williams Sonoma catalogue (great recipes).

It’s so funny how the body has a way of telling us what we really need. I knew my week was spread too thin after a weekend where I was spread too thin but full steam ahead it was.

In the midst of your to-do list today, find some time to slow down, just for you. Drink a cup of tea slowly, go for a walk, chuckle about a long forgotten holiday memory. Slowing down to speed up- you’ll thank yourself later.

Happy Friday!