Baking: A Planner/Do-er Love Story

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My favorite part of baking is that I can start with strawberries and some paper cups and end up with muffins.

There’s something about going through a process and getting a result that appeals to the plan-maker in me, the do-er.

However, real life, non-baking life, isn’t as simple as following a recipe and ending up with a perfect satisfactory result.  Which, if we’re being honest, I totally hate.

I’m in a slightly up-in-the-air season right now and it’s all very “enjoy the journey” until I remember how much I love the plan and find (possibly false) security in the knowing.

So I bake.  I mix ingredients, enjoy the process, and dip my end result in almond milk, knowing fully well that while these strawberry muffins are delicious, whatever is cooking in the proverbial life oven is way better, even if it does take longer.

Lights Out

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Yep- this little Tuesday night storm knocked out the power in my building for an hour.  All the buildings around me had their lights a-shining but it was a candle/flashlight kind of night for Luna Bell and me for a bit.