1) Two Words: Halloween Playlist. The suite from Dracula, Thriller, CCR’s Bad Moon Rising, Van Morrison’s I Put A Spell On You…the instructor really outdid himself.
2) Everyone does it. And by everyone, I mean Katie Holmes was on the mat next to me (!!!). I practiced yoga next to Tom Cruise’s wife. It was all I could do to not gush that I loved her in “The Kennedy’s” (LOVED her in The Kennedy’s. LOVED.). I left her alone. I just think it’s cool that she came by herself to a community class instead of having a private instructor or going to a fancy hotel gym.
Yoga has been rocking my world more than usual lately (celebrity sightings aside). I’ve been practicing for 2 years now and it has seriously changed my life. So, so grateful to have that practice, that invitation to mindfulness and gratitude every time I step on my mat.
Yoga really IS awesome.
0 Comments on “2 More Reason Why Yoga Is Awesome”
Where were you practicing yoga!?!?! I must go there! I’m actually in the market for a new yoga studio in Chicago.
In Pittsburgh, actually! I’ve been there for work and I guess her husband is shooting a movie in Pittsburgh so she’s been getting her yoga on!